Friday, May 28, 2010

Been a while...U/S #2

Have not had the urge to blog or update…Really odd for me.

A few things have happened in the last few weeks. Today I am 7 weeks 5 days along. We had our 2nd U/S on Wed, watching that heart flicker away was the most breath taking thing I have ever seen. The bean actually looks more and more like a bean as time goes on.

We have one more U/S in two weeks, and then the next one will be for our IPS testing…For the friends that read this, what should I expect?

The morning sickness seems to have left *knock on wood* – woohoo – that week was horrible :( The acne though really likes to stick around LOL…Hoping that goes away after the three month mark too. I always thought I would embrace morning sickness and be happy to feel like crap because at least I am pregnant – not so much. I realized I should not have judged until you are in that position. I tried to keep a smile on my face but it is hard when you feel like crap 24/7…But I know I am blessed…just kept telling myself that this is a good thing. Apparently a study done by the Sick Kids Hospital in TO did a study, the more morning sickness you have the smarter the baby :)


  1. what is the IPS testing, wow it has been awhile for me that I don't remember what that was, remind me and I will tell you what to expect lol! Oh the acne, I hated that! Glad your MS is gone woohoo!


  2. Well darling Davin was the worst for my sickness so you will have to draw your own conclusions on that LOL
