Friday, July 16, 2010

DH has gone camping...

I cried like a baby when he left, I think I almost had him in tears...I think he was rethinking going...but everything was bought and paid for...It was my decision not to go, well, kinda both of ours...with the heat and humidity, and sleeping in a tent, getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night... and the heat has always made me sick and get headaches...which I am battling right now...

You know when you see someone everyday, you kind of take it for granted...I miss my DH so much right now it actually hurts :( Everytime I think of missing him, I want to cry...In the 10 years we have been together, 5 of those married...we have only been apart three times...and this time seems more hard...maybe it is the hormones lol...He has called me already, and I have called him...every stop they made, he called :) When he left, he kissed me and my belly...tears...

I will include a pic of my wonderful DH and I...This was our camping trip last year...I was cycling at the time and could not drink...I think I was 5 DPIUI here...

I love you babe!!! Counting down the hours until Sunday when I can wrap my arms around you and kiss you again...

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